Audiobook Review: Jane Austen’s Dragons #5 The Dragons of Kellynch by Maria Grace

Posted September 18, 2022 by jrsbookr in Audibook Review, Fantasy / 0 Comments

by Maria Grace
Audiobook Review: Jane Austen’s Dragons #5 The Dragons of Kellynch by Maria GraceThe Dragons of Kellynch Published by White Soup Press on July 13, 2020
Pages: 192
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In order to secure her future, a young lady must marry well.One would think Anne Elliot, a baronet's daughter, would find the marriage mart far easier to navigate than a more ordinary woman. One would be wrong.After refusing a poor, but otherwise perfect sailor, on the advice of her friend Lady Russell, Anne finds an unhappy choice before her: marry deathly dull Charles Musgrove or hope against hope that another suitable proposal might come her way before she becomes a spinster on the shelf.Anne's disgracefully independent choice to refuse Charles' offer turns her world entirely arsey-varsey and not in the expected turned upside down sort of way. She begins to see things ? hear things ? things like dragons. And once one sees dragons, one talks to them. And when one talks to them, nothing is ever the same again.Must a young lady marry well if she hears dragons?



Anyone hooked on Maria Grace’s dragons in her Pride and Prejudice variations will be thrilled to know that the story continues, this time in, Persuasion. Along with dragons, the best part of this book is watching the internal struggles of Anne Elliot as she grows into her strength. As in the original story, she has to cope with her selfish, shallow family members who care only for their status, wealth, and personal comfort. It is a puzzle how Anne initially escaped being infected by the arrogance and pride of her family. Yet, somehow she developed the inner resources that enabled her to grow into a young woman of courage and integrity.
In the first chapters, we meet Anne and her obnoxious family. We encounter Charles Musgrove, who wanted to marry her – wanted to marry a convenient neighbor of suitable rank who would run his household efficiently and without fuss. We encounter Lady Russell, who tries to manipulate Anne into accepting his proposal. Anne endures a mysterious illness when she sends her to bed with what must have been a migraine to beat all migraines. After some days of agony, she recovers enough to seek fresh air in her mother’s flower garden.
Once recovered, Anne discovers birds, a rabbit, and a dog, have lost their familiar forms and start talking to her! They are dragons. Her world is turned in one of Maria Grace’s favorite phrases for confusion, arsey-varsey.
This book provides the back-story to the next in the series, Kellynch: Dragon Persuasion. All in all, it is worth the time to read and enjoy as an audiobook.

About Maria Grace

Six time BRAG Medallion Honoree, #1 Best-selling Historical Fantasy author Maria Grace has her PhD in Educational Psychology and is a 16-year veteran of the university classroom where she taught courses in human growth and development, learning, test development and counseling. None of which have anything to do with her undergraduate studies in economics/sociology/managerial studies/behavior sciences.

She pretends to be a mild-mannered writer/cat-lady, but most of her vacations require helmets and waivers or historical costumes, usually not at the same time.

She writes gas lamp fantasy, historical romance and non-fiction to help justify her research addiction.