Ancient Paths by Nelle Mack

Posted November 29, 2023 by jrsbookr in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

by Nelle Mack
Ancient Paths by Nelle MackAncient Paths on May 1, 2022
Pages: 292
Find the Author: Website, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon

The Tuatha de Danaan, or fairies had lived with mankind since the beginning of time. But man changed and became selfish and dangerous. To protect themselves, the fairies fled into another dimension through a portal in Newgrange, Ireland.

An ancient prophecy told of a lad who would open the portal and bring the Fairies back to us. So, we meet Faelan O'Broin, the lad born on a Black Moon. He has a destiny to learn magic so he can open the portal.

He is joined by three companions for his journey. Each one has new lessons to teach him.

He travels all over Ireland and its sacred sites as he meets gods, goddesses, wizards, plants, animals, and magical beings. Each teaches him new magic and helps him on his way to opening the Fairy portal.

He arrives at the fairy portal on the appointed day, but will he be able to open it and bring the Fairies back to us?



Ancient Paths is the first book by a debut author. It is a tale about a young boy who will fix the world. While not an uncommon fantasy theme, the way that the author starts the series with the boy’s travels and discovery of his magic. I was immersed in the tale and his powerful connection with his mother. He is given the ability to talk with her through magic his whole journey. I find this unique as in most magical tales, once the child is on his journey, you never hear another word about the parents. You see a few familiar names within this series, but each has its unique twist for this tale. The story does end on a cliffhanger that will drag you into the next book quite nicely. If you are a fan of magical journeys, fae, merlin, and a boy who will save the world, pick this one up today. Book two is due out in 2024.

Book Trailer:

About Nelle Mack

Nelle Mack lives in Illinois with her husband and five children, who she homeschools (and their seven cats, who are part of the family as well). Inspiration led her to write this novel in two months’ time. She believes in magik in its truest sense and loves to share about it with others. Book number two will most likely roll out in 2024.