The Candy Shop War #2 Arcade Catastrophe by Brandon Mull

Posted February 8, 2023 by jrsbookr in Fantasy, Middle grade / 0 Comments

by Brandon Mull
The Candy Shop War #2 Arcade Catastrophe by Brandon MullArcade Catastrophe Published by Shadow Mountain on February 8, 2023
Genres: Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure / General, Juvenile Fiction / Fantasy & Magic
Pages: 433
Find the Author: Website, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, Instagram

It will take more than magical candy to win this war!

Something fishy is going on at the new amusement center in Walnut Hills. The trouble seems linked to the mysterious disappearance of Mozag and John Dar, who have spent their lives policing the magical community. When Nate and his friends are asked to help investigate, they discover kids feverishly playing arcade games in an effort to win enough tickets to redeem one of four stamps: jets, tanks, submarines, and racecars.

Rumor has it that the stamps are definitely worth it. But what do they do?

The kids soon discover that the owner of Arcadeland is recruiting members for four different clubs. When each club is filled, he will begin his quest to retrieve a magical talisman of almost unimaginable power. With John Dart and Mozag sidelined, will Nate, Summer, Trevor, Pigeon, and their new friend Lindy, find a way to save the day? Find out in this sweetest adventure ever!


A fun candy-filled treat with a new villain and new amazing candy that grants powers to children only. This time we are dealing with the brother of the previous Mrs. White from the first book. I appreciate how we get both the last villain Mrs. White (now a child with no memory), and her evil brother, who is just as power-hungry to control the world. The format is the same. We are now in an Arcade, and our main characters are undercover to get all the details.
With the third book finally being set to release soon, I did appreciate that we were not left with a massive cliffhanger as this book came out in 2012, and the third book in 2023 that a long time to leave middle-grade readers hanging. I am excited to dive into book three, which is set in a carnival; who will our villain be? What new exciting candies will we encounter?

About Brandon Mull

Brandon Mull no longer lives on the side of a mountain above a prison. He now resides in a happy little valley near the mouth of a canyon with his wife and three children. Since the arrival of his new daughter, he is more the golem of the household than ever, following whatever orders trickle down the chain of command. Brandon is the author of the New York Times bestselling Fablehaven books and The Candy Shop War.